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Millar Chiropractic

Notices and Disclaimers:

Copyright © 2002-2024 All rights reserved. 

Notices and Disclaimers

Agreement between user and

Welcome to The and millarchiro,com website (the "Site") is comprised of various websites and webpages; social media websites and web pages to include but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, Pinterest, and Messenger; webinars; blogs; broadcast media websites and webpages, videos and electronic media operated by Huntsville Chiropractic & Nutrition Center, LLC. d/b/a Millar Chiropractic Huntsville and Millar Functional Medicine and also using the trade names Millar ChiropracticTM, and Millar Chiropractic ClinicTM, collectively hereafter known as ("Millar") for this Notice and Disclaimers agreement.  

The Site is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance without modification of the conditions contained in these Notices and Disclaimers and furthermore in the Terms of Use contained on this Site under Terms Of Use and Privacy pages contained herein. Your use of in any way including but not limited to just viewing the Site constitutes your agreement to ALL such Terms and Conditions. Please read these Notices and Disclaimers, Terms of Use, and Privacy pages contained herein on this site carefully as they limit your rights, and furthermore print them and keep a copy of them for your reference.

The Site is a general information website providing general health information. The content is not meant to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. The entire contents of this Site are based upon the opinions of Dr. Greg Millar, DC CCEP and the other doctors of Millar Chiropractic Clinics unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as noted. This content has not been reviewed by the FDA. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice or legal advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Millar and the other doctors associated with Millar.  Dr. Millar encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Always talk with your healthcare provider regarding any change in your healthcare plan. 

Huntsville Chiropractic & Nutrition Center, LLC., d/b/a Millar Chiropractic Huntsville AL ("Millar") is a member owned and managed Alabama limited liability corporation. Greg Millar, DC is the managing member. The corporation has a  NPI National Provider Identifier number. 

All advertising or communication by Millar or the Millar doctors individually to third parties by whatever means including but not limited to internet, social medial, TV, Radio, Print, Billboards must be pre-approved in writing by Dr Millar prior to its publication, transmission or dissemination, electronically or otherwise. All Rights Reserved.

No warranty guarantee or promise is made herein regarding any services or products sold or provided through or in connection with Millar. Millar hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, guarantees or promises including without limitation: any warranties, guarantees or promises as to the availability, accuracy efficacy or effectiveness of products or services; any warranties, guarantees or promises of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 

Non-Discrimination Notice
Our office does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, or age in admission to, or receipt of the services and benefits.

Videos and Pictures

Videos and Pictures on this website, and those used in other content including but not limited to Marketing, Advertising, Internet, Blogs, TV, Radio, Print, Social Media like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and other recorded or live broadcast on any medium, may contain paid and unpaid actors and persons that are NOT Millar employees, Millar Doctors, or Millar patients.   

Charges vary based on services rendered. Additional charges may be incurred for related services which may be required in individual cases. 

Results in Chiropractic like results in tradition medicine vary case to case, patient to patient and no guarantee of outcome is made. No representation is made by Millar or the Site therein or otherwise that the quality of the Chiropractic services to be performed is greater than the quality of Chiropractic services performed by other Chiropractors. 

Insurance and Insurance Billing  
Your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. We will as a courtesy to you bill most major insurance companies for services rendered. Most insurance today has a deductible and a per visit percentage co-pay. It is YOUR responsibility to call YOUR insurance company prior to service being rendered to determine how much deductible and co-pay or percentage co-payment you have. As a courtesy, we will attempt to contact your insurance provider by computer to try to determine your insurance, the deductible and the co-pay. When you insurance company quotes coverage to us they say "Verification of coverage is not a guarantee that services will be paid for." We therefor have to pass that same along to you and say that just because we verified your insurance does not constitute a guarantee that they will pay for your services. Therefore YOU are responsible for YOUR bill. We will accept assignment from your insurance company for the part of you bill paid by them; but, that does not absolve you of the financial responsibility of your bill. Should your insurance company not pay or take back any part of funds paid to Millar then it is again YOUR responsibility to pay YOUR entire bill.

In Network and Out of Network:
Millar Doctors and Millar Clinics may be "in network" or "out of network" with YOUR insurance company.  It is YOUR responsibility to determine if we are in network or out of network with your particular insurance company.  Dr. Millar does not accept any insurance and all visits are self-pay. None of the clinics accept Tricare or Medicaid as they are not allowed to in the State of Alabama.  

Several places in our Site, we use the following offer:
"Free Consultation" is just that. A 10- 20 minute meeting with a Millar doctor to talk about your problems and our possible solutions. No Exams preformed. No  services preformed. Should the person receiving Free* services be accepted as a patient of Millar Chiropractic Clinics as outline below then additional regular charges for treatment will be incurred in individual cases as needed for related services. Some patients are not allowed to receive reduced fee or free chiropractic or medical services per US Federal Government rules and regulations, State of Alabama rules and regulations, or private insurance carriers rules. It is up to YOU to determine if you can receive free services. For all services, results vary in individual cases. Cash Value of Free Consultation $0.01.

New Patient Online Offer**
Should the person receiving the New Patient Online Offer as outlined in content be accepted as a patient of Millar Chiropractic then additional charges for services and treatment will be incurred in individual cases as needed for related services. Some persons may need additional X-rays or imaging depending on their individual case. Some patients are not allowed to receive reduced fee or free chiropractic or medical services per US Federal Government rules and regulations, State of Alabama rules and regulations, or private insurance carriers rules. It is up to YOU to determine if you can receive the New Patient Online Offer. This offer also does Not apply to Existing patients, Personal Injury cases or Workers Comp cases. For all services, results vary in individual cases.

Cancellation/Refund Policy/

Your Millar Doctor has you on a specific care plan to accomplish specific goals therefor if you miss a visit you must make up that missed visit that same day if possible, that same week if you must and the next week if that is your only option. Please give us 24 hours notice when cancelling and rescheduling an appointment.  In compliance with the State of Alabama Chiropractic Regulations with any patient pre-payment monies the patient may receive at any time requested an accounting of all monies paid, services rendered and available balance remaining. Should a patient prepay the individual clinic for future services and not use the services then they may be due a refund of the unused portion. If the Patient signed an Agreement for treatment then that Agreement will outline the refund process that Patient must follow. If the Patient did not sign an Agreement for treatment then to receive a refund, the patient needs to fill out and sign the Millar Chiropractic Clinics written refund request form available upon request at the the front desk at the individual clinic where they were seen as a patient. Refunds are processed and approved refund payments made within 30 business days of the approved written refund request.

To Become a Patient and Establishment of a Doctor Patient Relationship:
A Doctor patient relationship is only established once a prospective patient fills out either online, or in person, that individual clinic's appropriate intake paper work including but not limited to Intake Forms, HIPAA forms, Informed Consent, and further the prospective patient must meet face to face with the Millar Doctor at one of the clinic locations and further be accepted in writing as a patient by that Millar Doctor.  


© 2002-2024 All rights reserved. Nothing may be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent. See our Notices and Disclaimers page and Terms of Use page on this website (under info tab) as they restrict your rights herein. Also please see Privacy Notice pages contained herein.

Free* Consultation - A Free consultation is just that. A 15-20 minute meeting to talk about your problems and our possible solutions. It is up to YOU to determine if you can receive Free* services. Some insurance do not allow Free services. No Exams preformed at the Free consultation. No Chiropractic treatment or adjustments given at the Free consultation. Should the person receiving the Free* services as outline above be accepted as a patient of Millar Chiropractic then additional regular charges for treatment will be incurred in individual cases as needed for related services. This offer only to new consultations and does not apply to existing patients, personal injury, or workers comp consultations. Cash value of Free* consultation $0.01.

For all services, results vary patient to patient in individual cases. No guarantee is made for services performed. No warranty is made on supplements, over the counter purchases or durable medical equipment. We make no claim or representation that the services provided by Millar Chiropractic or Millar Chiropractic Clinics or its doctors are better than or superior to the services of other doctors, services of other clinics or we have superior equipment.

Persons appearing in pictures and videos on this website are not necessary patients, doctors or staff and may be paid actors or marketing videos or pictures.