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Millar Chiropractic

Auto Accident

Car, Truck and Motorcycle Accidents

We offer two great choices for those that have been injured in an Car Accident, Truck Accident, Motorcycle Accident, other motor vehicle accident or slip and fall.  

  1. Millar Chiropractic Huntsville
  2. American Spine & Rehab

Millar Chiropractic Huntsville

  • If you want to use YOUR major medical insurance or Car Insurance MedPay then call Millar Chiropractic Huntsville today at (256) 830-0000 or Toll Free at 1-800 Go Chiro or (800) 462-4476.   We will gladly treat you and file your insurance.

At Millar Chiropractic Huntsville we treat you and for your accident injuries. Since your using your Major Medical Insurance or Car Insurance MedPay or paying cash, we don't care who is at fault, We only treat your injuries. We utilize Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Modalities (such as e-stim, ultrasound, laser, and traction), then we design a custom rehab program called "Complete Rehab."  Get the help you need now. 

American Spine & Rehab

  • If you want to file a personal injury claim and be treated and have your bill held till YOUR settlement, then call our sister company American Spine & Rehab  at 1-800 Why Hurt (800) 949-4878 or (256) 519-6800.

If your not at fault and you are injured through the negligence of someone else then you may have a personal injury claim. Let our sister company American Spine & Rehab  treat your accident injuries.  

Let their team of, Chiropractors help you.  Patients often ask, "Who should I call first, the doctor or the attorney?  The answer is simple...Call the Doctor first.  Just like you went to the ER first you call the doctor first.    If you have injuries, then they will be able to start getting you out of pain immediately. They can then tell your attorney, what injuries you have; and, what treatment will be necessary. The attorney can talk to the insurance companies with knowledge of your injuries.  Get the treatment you need so your attorney can get you the settlement you deserve. 

Many patients tell us that they went to the Hospital after the accident for treatment but NO ONE WILL TREAT THEM AND HOLD PAYMENT TO SETTLEMENT. That's where they come in. American Spine & Rehab team of treating clinics and doctors can start helping you today. And if they accept your case American Spine & Rehab WILL HOLD YOUR BILL UNTIL YOUR CASE SETTLES, in most cases. 

If you're in pain from an Auto Accident or injury, They offer you our Free* Consultation and Personal Injury Body Survey Evaluation.   They will 

san_antonio_auto_accident_lawyer_1.jpg car_20auto_20accident_1.jpg review your prior medical evaluation and treatment.  They do a history and examination. They will then go over our findings and recommendations. All this for NO CHARGE TO YOU.

Then, if injured, they will then schedule you with one of their Injury Doctors for a full Examination with X-rays if needed, and start your treatment. You will also meet with their team of Personal Injury Case Managers who can help you with all those accident related questions. They can even help you find a Lawyer. Again, we are not Lawyers and can not give legal advice. But we do hundreds and hundreds of cases each year and have lot's of knowledge and general information.    

It's All In The Call

CALL TOLL FREE 1-800 Why Hurt
for your Free* Personal Injury Evaluation

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auto_accident_brown_1.jpg If you already have an attorney, then so much the better and they can get right on your treatment. They have 4 offices in an around the Huntsville area so their close to home or work. Don't stay in pain. Get the treatment you need so your attorney can get you the settlement you deserve.Together they will determine what Doctors and providers you need as they offer Medical, Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, and  Massage. 

Often auto_accident_x_ray_1.jpg people in accident say "Well I went to the ER and they took and x-ray, didn't say much, gave me some pain meds and muscle relaxers and sent me packing".  I'm still in pain. What do I do?" Call Accident Medical immediately and set up your Free consultation and Body Survey Evaluation. J ust because the ER didn't find a life threatening problem, doesn't mean you don't have serious medical and chiropractic problems.  Some problems that walk out of ER's take years to develop. 

CALL TOLL FREE 1-800 Why Hurt
for your Free* Personal Injury Evaluation

At American Spine & Rehab they have been treating automobile crash victims for years auto_accident_1.jpg . Their injury Doctors specialize in the treatment and rehabilitation of injuries sustained in automobile crashes. They provide proper documentation of your injuries in the form of computerized detailed narratives and daily treatment notes. This documentation and daily treatment notes are crucial for your case and your attorney to get you the settlement that will fully compensated you for your injuries.

They are one of the largest Personal Injury treatment clinics in the Tennessee Valley. They work with some of the largest PI attorneys in our area and they will be glad to offer a selection of good attorneys to work your case.  "It's all in the call" and they will take care of the rest.

Who Pays the Bill?

Good Question. Lets start with fault. Generally in personal injury cases the person at fault or their insurance company pays the bill.  So, if it's not your fault, then in most cases, with attorney representation, They hold your bill until final settlement. That's what Personal Injury means.  YOU do not have to pay until your case settles. They feel that your injuries are such that they are willing to treat you and wait payment until your settlement.

Free* No Cost to you. However, what is found in the Free* Consultation and Body Survey Evaluation may require a more detailed full examination including but not limited to Spinal Exam, Orthopedic test, Neurological test, Range of Motion test, Muscle Test, X-rays and even advanced imaging to determine the full extent of your injuries. You also may need to be referred to an appropriate specialist in a particular field of Medicine. Should you elect to go forward with your Full Examination and Care then you can expect additional charges for related services.  And as in all Medical and Chiropractic treatment results may vary. 

American Spine & Rehab and its subsidiaries Huntsville Spine & Rehab do not accept Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, other Major Medical Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare or any other State of Alabama or Federal insurance programs.   

Copyright 2008-2024 All rights reserved.  No representation is made by content herein or otherwise that the quality of the services to be performed is greater than the quality of services performed by others.   No representation implied or stated as to the warrant of merchantability or fitness. Results do vary case to case. We are personal injury accident doctors and providers.  We are not Lawyers and make no representation of legal advice herein. We can give no legal advice whatsoever.  

This site only provides information to help people. This web site is a general service that provides information over the Internet. Information about personal injury and law is not the same as legal advice. We are not giving, offering or suggesting any legal advice. The information available here is available on the internet and in the public domain.  This site only aggregates information. We recommend you consult a lawyer if you want professional assurance that our information, and your interpretation of it, is appropriate to your particular situation.

We are not a law firm and our employees are not acting as your attorney. The information contained in this web site is general information and should not be construed as legal advice to be applied to any specific factual situation. If you are unsure whether your particular situation requires any action, you should consult a lawyer. As the law differs in each legal jurisdiction and may be interpreted or applied differently depending on your location or situation, the information on this web site is not a substitute for the advice of a lawyer. You should always consult a Lawyer for legal advice.


© 2002-2024 All rights reserved. Nothing may be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent. See our Notices and Disclaimers page and Terms of Use page on this website (under info tab) as they restrict your rights herein. Also please see Privacy Notice pages contained herein.

Free* Consultation - A Free consultation is just that. A 15-20 minute meeting to talk about your problems and our possible solutions. It is up to YOU to determine if you can receive Free* services. Some insurance do not allow Free services. No Exams preformed at the Free consultation. No Chiropractic treatment or adjustments given at the Free consultation. Should the person receiving the Free* services as outline above be accepted as a patient of Millar Chiropractic then additional regular charges for treatment will be incurred in individual cases as needed for related services. This offer only to new consultations and does not apply to existing patients, personal injury, or workers comp consultations. Cash value of Free* consultation $0.01.

For all services, results vary patient to patient in individual cases. No guarantee is made for services performed. No warranty is made on supplements, over the counter purchases or durable medical equipment. We make no claim or representation that the services provided by Millar Chiropractic or Millar Chiropractic Clinics or its doctors are better than or superior to the services of other doctors, services of other clinics or we have superior equipment.

Persons appearing in pictures and videos on this website are not necessary patients, doctors or staff and may be paid actors or marketing videos or pictures.