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Mid Back Pain

Are you regularly suffering from middle back pain below your neck and above the bottom of your rib cage? Referred to as the thoracic spine, this is one of the most common areas to experience chronic pain and a common reason why patients seek treatment with a chiropractor. Here is what you need to know.

Common Symptoms of Middle Back Pain

The thoracic spine or middle back is composed of twelve bones called the T1 to T12 vertebrae. In between these bones is what’s called disks. The job of this part of your body is to protect the spinal cord, and there are numerous muscles and nerves that can become injured or irritated in this region.

So, how do you know you’re experiencing middle back pain? The most common symptoms include muscle stiffness, sharp pain, sudden achiness, or a burning sensation. In minor cases, you might feel a dull pain that never quite fully goes away.

Causes of Middle Back Pain

There are numerous causes for pain in the thoracic spine. For example, chronic middle back pain can be caused by something as simple as sleeping wrong or poor posture. Those who are overweight or live a sedentary lifestyle also seem to experience it more.

But the problem could also be something more serious, too. Herniated disks, osteoarthritis, and joint fractures can all cause middle back pain. Severe injuries like falls, car accidents, sports injuries, and more can also be the culprit of severe thoracic spine pain.

Treatment of Middle Back Pain

So, how is middle back pain treated? Visiting your chiropractor is generally the first step in achieving relief. During the first appointment, they will generally evaluate your pain and take x-rays to ensure there are no fractures or visible damage to your spine.

In the case of degenerative disk disease or arthritis, there will be evidence on the scans and an appropriate course of treatment is prescribed. If it is simply muscular, your chiropractor will perform a manual adjustment and recommend special stretching exercises to improve posture, heat, or ice therapy at home, along with other treatments.

Find Relief from Middle Back Pain

Experiencing chronic middle back pain can be disruptive to your entire life. However, the good news is that there is a solution. Let our team at Millar Chiropractic help you find relief and get back to doing the things you love most. Please contact us today at (256) 539-2000 to schedule an appointment.


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